Study Abroad

Study Abroad

Prater in Vienna image

Illinois in Vienna

For the most comprehensive information, visit Illinois in Vienna Program.

Students may study in Vienna for a semester or a year for full University of Illinois credit. Students may take classes in German or in English.

Illinois in Vienna is open to all Illinois students as well as students from other universities. Among the most frequent Illinois students are those from the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Commerce and Business Administration, and Engineering. Recent participants have also included students from such institutions as Cornell, Georgetown, Vassar, and Yale. Students' background in German varies from no German to advanced.

Fichtner Award: As of 2019-2020, the Department offers a competitive scholarship to up to two students per year to participate in Illinois in Vienna. Fichtner Award winners must be majors or double majors in German. For information on how to apply, contact the Acting Department Head ( or Undergraduate Advisor (

Program Costs and Benefits: The program offers a combination of some of the best elements of exchange programs and of group programs. The exchange elements are fees based on regular Illinois tuition and fees, the applicability of financial aid, direct enrollment with Austrian students in Viennese universities, and U of I residency credit. Since there is a full-time resident director, participants also enjoy the typical benefits of a group program: discounted international airfare, transfer, and assistance on arrival, in-country orientation and advising, help with registration for classes, housing arrangements (with Austrian students), excursions, arrangements for academic credit, etc.

Program Content: The Illinois in Vienna Program offers a full curriculum -all fields from accounting to zoology. These classes are at the University of Vienna, the Vienna School of Economics and Business Administration, The Technical University, or other appropriate institutions of higher education. Participants also take one or two core classes each semester with the resident director or graduate assistant. Topics of those classes change from semester to semester but typically involve German-Austrian literature and culture. A German conversation and writing class are also available.

Academic Credit: Earn a maximum of 18 hours in one semester or 34 for the academic year. All credit earned is Illinois residency credit. Credits in German may be applied toward a minor, major or double major in German or may count as supporting coursework in other fields.

Excursions and Travel: The program offers excursions to the historical, scenic, and cultural sites in Vienna and nearby. Vienna offers many opportunities for leisure activities and is centrally located in Europe as a starting point for travel to other countries.

Sports: Students may register for sports at the university. Participants have also joined soccer or volleyball clubs and participated in 10K runs. The program includes a week of skiing in the Alps (1 credit).

Internships: Participants recently interned with firms in fields such as banking, publishing, journalism, insurance, hotel, the oil industry, environmental advocacy, and the United Nations.

Prerequisites: At least sophomore standing at the time of participation, i.e., freshmen may apply this year to go to Vienna their sophomore year. 2.75 overall GPA.

Deadlines: Applications are due February 1 for the academic year or for the fall semester only; October 1 for the spring semester. Please contact the Acting Department Head ( or Undergraduate Advisor ( for information on how to apply.

Programs with the Study Abroad Office

Illinois also has exchange agreements with the German Universities of Marburg, Kiel, Paderborn, Regensburg, and Heidelberg. For further information consult the University's Study Abroad Office.

Through the Study Abroad Office, further opportunities may be explored for studying independently (or with group programs sponsored by other institutions) in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Scandinavian countries. For information and advice, consult the department's undergraduate advisor.