04/12/2022 - The UIUC German Club will hold an end-of-semester social and its elections for officers for 2022-2023 this Thursday, April 14 from 5-6p in Bevier Lounge (second floor of Bevier Hall). We'll...
04/12/2022 - Come learn more about our graduate students' current work, at the April German Colloquium. All are welcome in FLB 2090B at 3:15p on Friday, April 22.
01/04/2021 - At "Undergraduate Program in German at Illinois Urbana-Champaign," you'll find information about upcoming events, internships, fellowships, study abroad, and all things GLL! Join our online community...
03/20/2020 - Explore our new degrees in German Studies! It is now easier to add the major, and/or you may be much closer to the...